Contact information for personnel listed below can be found here: Contact List (updated 12/26/2024)
Officer in Charge: CDR David Michalak
East Coast (LANT) match director: CAPT Robert Croxson
West Coast (PAC) match director and key staff: CAPT Jesse Currier, CWO3 Brian Green, and CWO4 (retired) Don Gussler
Action Shooting Team Director: LCDR Jeremy Lightner
Reserve Info: CDR (retired) Dan Bowden is a great resource for reserve shooters.
Retired Navy Shooters Association (RNSA):
- for membership and general information about the RNSA, contact its secretary, DS1 (Ret) Kaarlo Elonen.
- for historical information (provide or receive) contact GM1 (retired) Mike Markovcy
Webmasters: Craig Griswold (LT, O3/E, Retired) and Yvonne Roberts (CDR, O5, Retired)
EIC and Distinguished contact is CDR David Michalak.
- Distinguished packages process explained here
- Templates here: rifle (distinguished marksman) and pistol