
  • USNMT members, if you have links to resources that you would like to post on this page, please email the webmaster.
  • To obtain a wealth of information about shooting, subscribe to Shooting Sports USA; it is free and published digitally monthly.
  • List of websites with information about rifle / pistol shooting and techniques here (updated 5/23)


CNO speech to SNA January 2018: Command is the theme, with training and team leadership as core tenants.

Vision and Shooting:

Former USNMT pistol shooter Norman Wong, O.D., wrote several articles for the Bullseye shooting community about vision and shooting.  These articles have been republished at

Establishing eye-dominance is an important first step – PRIOR to buying equipment and going to the range.


Links to Pistol Training Videos from ASAF rifle shooter Chris DeForge:

New shooter handout with 2020 CMP Rules

Bullseye Training and Tips: How to Shoot a Ten

Target Analysis & Sight Adjustment: Pocket Guide

Excellent Bullseye Pistol Resource Site:  The Encyclopedia of Bullseye Pistol

Pistol Dry Fire Cord

Trigger Control Drills

10 Shooting Drills


Links to Rifle Training Videos from ASAF rifle shooter Chris DeForge:

Links to Rifle Training Videos from the Atlantic Fleet match staff can be found here.

Rifle Gouge here and standalone guide for scoring targets here (included in Service Rifle Match Data book below)

Navy Rifle Marksmanship Guide updated 12/22 with information about the “Rattle Battle” match and crediting AOCS Williams for his efforts in creating the first guide.  Continued thanks to Ted J. for keeping this guide current.

A new shooter handout with the 2020 CMP Rules

Rifle Target Scoring/Pulling (aka pit duty):

Service Rifle Positions – the finer points

Rifle Data Book Sheets:

(NEW 5/23) Complete Service Rifle Match Data Book here includes: elevation come-ups, wind charts for 77gr bullet, data pages for each yard line / position, target scoring guide, and rapid fire scoring guide

Dry-Firing and Training:

Trophy Rifle Verification Services:

The following rifles which were awarded by the US Navy and the US Marine Corps in the Name of the Secretary of the Navy can be verified:

  • 7.62mm Mk 2 Mod 1 Service Grade with new 7.62mm SA barrels (The sleeved barreled rifles cannot be verified)
  • 7.62mm Mk2 Mod 1 Match Conditioned Grade A
  • 7.62mm Mk2 Mod 1 Match Conditioned Grade B
  • Caliber .30 M1 Standard Grade issued after February 1998, and
  • the Remington 720.

There is no cost for this service. Send email to Jim Adell with the serial number and the data from the side of the barrel that becomes visible when the bolt is opened.  A scanned copy of the page with your serial number, if it is a Navy rifle, can be emailed by request.  If you want paper verification, including a copy of the page with your serial number from the Navy Serial Number List, send a stamped self-addressed envelope to:  Jim Adell 2409 Frances Dr. Loveland, CO 80537.

If you won a SECNAV standard grade MK 2 Mod 1 7.62mm SECNAV trophy rifle which didn’t have a white plastic spacer or you broke the one that was in your rifle, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope to Jim and he will send one to you.  The match conditioned Mk 2 Mod 1 rifles never had a spacer in them.

If you have questions, call Jim Adell at (970) 663-4779 before 7:30 PM Mountain Time.

Additional Resources: