Other Matches/Local Clubs

  • Oregon State Shooting Association:  Bullseye Pistol and High Power Rifle matches in the Pacific Northwest.
  • California Pistol Matches:  This website is a one stop source for matches in CA and other states.
  • 12th Precinct Pistol & Archery Club – hosts two 900 aggregate pistol matches every Wednesday (1730) and Saturday (0900).  Also check out there schedule for other matches.
  • Fairfax Rod & Gun Club (Alexandria, VA) hosts rifle and bullseye pistol.  Check their schedule for events.  You do not have to be a member to shoot matches. Pre-register by sending an email with required information (see match form on website) to bullseye(at)fxrgc.org
  • Lafayette Gun Club at Yorktown.  100 yard matches and excellent practice for anyone shooting across the course.  If you are interested, email Chris Deforge at: cdeforge586(at)gmail(dot)com to register or ask any questions.  These are very inexpensive matches and fired at 100 yards so it goes very quick
  • The Norfolk County League run by Capt. Ryan (USN, Ret) plans to start up in March with a clinic around the first of that month and then a match around the end of that month if the range is available. Watch the NCRR website for more information, dates and the match schedule as they become available.  You must pre-register to gain access to the facility.
  • The Thurmont Conservation & Sportsman’s Club at 11617 Hunt Club Rd., Thurmont, MD.  Kevin Lippold at lippoldk(at)gmail(dot)com.