old – Contact USNMT

Website privacy statement is here.

Answers to many questions about the USNMT, Navy small arms training, marksmanship competitions, and related subjects can be found within the pages of our website.

Please join our USNMT Facebook Group, which is a great place to post questions.

If you cannot find the answer to your question, you may wish to contact the appropriate member of the USNMT Staff, listed below.

USNMT Officer in Charge[email protected]
CDR David Michalak

USNMT Webmaster[email protected]
LT (Ret) Craig Griswold or CDR (Ret) Yvonne Roberts

East Coast Match Director (LANT) – [email protected]
CAPT Robert Croxson

West Coast Match Director (PAC) – [email protected]
CDR Jesse Currier, CWO3 Brian Green, and CWO4 (Ret) Don Gussler

Reserve Info [email protected]
CDR (Ret) Dan Bowden; great resource for Reserve shooters

MidWest Contact [email protected]
CDR (Ret) Dan Bowden

Retired Navy Shooters Association (RNSA) – For membership and general info about the RNSA, contact DS1 (Ret) Kaarlo Elonen via [email protected].

Send email to GM1 (Ret) Mike Markovcy, [email protected], to provide historical information – see list of bulletins (“no data” means we need this information) at  https://usnmt.org/resources/rnsa/

USNMT Industry Coordinator: GM1 (Ret) Mike Markovcy will verify your eligibility and provide information about discounts that may be available from various companies. Email: [email protected]

EIC & DISTINGUISHED POC: CDR David Michalak is the contact for distinguished requests and badges.  See https://usnmt.org/results/distinguished/ for request submission package templates and guidelines.  Email: [email protected] if there are any questions.

[accordion clicktoclose=”true” autoclose=”false”]
[accordion-item title=”NROWS Orders”]

Questions on NROWS orders for SELRES personnel: PS1 Sara Knutson at [email protected]

NROWS orders for PAC SUBFOR personnel: CAPT Michael Overfield at [email protected]

Retired shooters in need of employer’s letter for matches: CECS Daniel Swehosky at [email protected] [/accordion-item]

Trophy Rifle Verification Service: The following rifles which were awarded by the US Navy and the US Marine Corps in the Name of the Secretary of the Navy can be verified:

  • 7.62mm Mk 2 Mod 1 Service Gradewith new 7.62mm SA barrels (The sleeved barreled rifles cannot be verified)
  • 7.62mm Mk2 Mod 1 Match Conditioned Grade A
  • 7.62mm Mk2 Mod 1 Match Conditioned Grade B
  • Caliber .30 M1 Standard Grade issued after February 1998, and
  • the Remington 720.

There is no cost for this service. Contact Jim Adell with the serial number and the data from the side of the barrel that becomes visible when the bolt is opened.

[accordion-item title=”Regional Contacts”]Information on the USNMT in your local area and regional marksmanship competitions, along with any related subjects can be obtained from the following personnel. (Note: Please send updates to [email protected].)

MARLANT Combat Shooting Team Halifax (Canada)
Contact: PO2 NET (A) B. Browne

Southern U.S.
Contact: CAPT Larry Spurlin (spurlin97 at hotmail dot com); senior SELRES on USNMT

East Coast U.S.
Contact: CAPT Robert Croxson

North East U.S.
Contact: CDR (Ret) Matt Bartel

Western U.S.
Contact: CWO3 Brian Greene

Mid Western U.S.
Contact: CDR Dan Bowden ([email protected])

Pacific Northwestern U.S.
Contact: STS1 (SS) Larry Arndt (ratguner at gmail dot com)

Pacific Southwestern U.S.
Contact: CWO4 (Ret) Donald Gussler

Contact: ABF1 Ryan Eck (first dot last at me dot com)

6thFleet AOR
Contact: ETCS Feldmeyer (robert dot feldmeyer at gmail dot com) [/accordion-item]